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Themagic touch

拼音 : Miao shou hui chun
年代 : Contemporary
年份 : 1958
首映时间 : 1958-12-03
语言 : DialogueinMandarin
片种 : Comedy films (Genre)
地区 : Hong Kong
物料 : sound, b&w
内容介绍 : Hu Tu and his three friends are courting four nurses including Zhu Shunhua. However, the hospital head Dr Liang has laid down the rule which says that nurses who get married are to be suspended from duties. Hu and his mates pretend to be ill so as to get close to their lovers. Dr Liang sees through their disguise, and a commotion ensues. Hu and co impress Dr Liang so much that he agrees to abolish the rule.
影片歌曲 : 'The magic touch' / Composer, Yao Min ; Lyricist , Li Junqing (aka Li Chun-ching).
'We must fight' / Composer, Yao Min ; Lyricist, Li Junqing (aka Li Chun-ching).
'Waiting and waiting' / Composer, Yao Min ; Lyricist, Li Junqing (aka Li Chun-ching).
备注 : Betty Loh Ti's first film for Shaws
制作人 : Director, Li Han-hsiang.
Screenwriter, Wang Yueting (aka Wang Yueh-ting) ; Executive Producer, Run-run Shaw ; Deputy Director, Gao Li (aka Kao Li) ; Photographer, Yang Jun ; Music, Yao Min ; Film Editor, Keung Hing-lung.
演员 : Betty Loh Ti (as Zhu Shunhua), Jin Quan (aka King Hu) (as Hu Tu), Yang Zhiqing, Zhang Cuiying, Mei Yueh-hua, Luo Qi (aka Lo Chi).
出品公司 : Hong Kong : Shaws Company, 1958.
其他机构 : 1958 [Release ].
中文资料 : Themagic touch
制作机构 : Shaws Company, production.
台前幕后 : Li, Han-hsiang, 1926-1996, director.
Wang, Yueh-ting, 1918-1974, screenwriter.
Shaw, Run-run, Sir, 1907/10/14- executive producer.
Kao, Li, 1924/10/5- deputy director.
Yang, Jun, 1915- photographer.
Yao, Min, 1917/11/13-1967/2/20, music. omposer.
Keung, Hing-lung, 1931- film editor.
Li, Chun-ching, lyricist.
Loh Ti, Betty, 1937/8/29-1968/12/27, cast.
Hu, King, 1931/4/29-1997/1/14, cast.
Yang, Zhiqing, 1919/2/11- cast.
Zhang, Cuiying, cast.
Mei, Yueh-hua, cast.
Lo, Chi (martial art, cast) cast.