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Jesus of Nazareth万世救主

拼音 : Wan shi jiu zhu
Zhen zhu
语言 : DialogueinEnglish
地区 : Italy, UK
物料 : sound, col
制作人 : Director, Franco Zeffirelli.
演员 : Robert Powell (as Jesus Christ), Anne Bancroft (as Mary Magdalene), Ernest Borgnine (as the Centurion), James Farentino (as Simon Peter), Stacy Keach (as Barabbas), Ian McShane (as Judas Iscariot), Rod Steiger ( as Pontius Pilate), Peter Ustinov (as Herod the Great), Michael York (as John the Baptist), Olivia Hussey (as Virgin Mary), Yorgo Voyagis (as Joseph), James Mason (as Joseph of Arimathea), Laurence Olivier ( as Nicodemus), Donald Pleasence (as Melchior), Christopher Plummer (as Herod Antipas), Anthony Quinn (as Caiaphas), James Earl Jones (as Balthazar), Valentina Cortese (as Herodias), Ralph Richardson (as Simeon), Ian Holm (as Zerah), Fernando Rey (as Gaspar).
出品公司 : Italy ; UK, 1977.
英文资料 : Jesus of Nazareth万世救主
台前幕后 : Zeffirelli, Franco, director.
Powell, Robert, cast.
Bancroft, Anne, cast.
Borgnine, Ernest, cast.
Farentino, James, cast.
Keach, Stacy, Jr. cast.
McShane, Ian, cast.
Steiger, Rod, cast.
Ustinov, Peter, 1921/4/16-2004/3/28, cast.
York, Michael, cast.
Hussey, Olivia, cast.
Voyagis, Yorgo, cast.
Mason, James, cast.
Olivier, Laurence, cast.
Pleasence, Donald, cast.
Plummer, Christopher, cast.
Quinn, Anthony, cast.
Jones, James Earl, cast.
Cortese, Valentina, cast.
Richardson, Ralph, cast.
Holm, Ian, cast.
Rey, Fernando, cast.