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White Swan

年代 : Contemporary
年份 : 1967
首映时间 : 1967-06-03
语言 : DialogueinCantonese
物料 : sound, col
内容介绍 : The White Swan Nightclub is the base of an international gang. This gang profits by seducing and trading beautiful girls to foreign countries. The head of the anti-smuggling team, Lam, has investigated the activities of this gang for a long time. He tries to arrest one of the group leaders of the gang, Billy, but Billy is killed resisting arrest. The private detective, Ching Tai-kong, who looks like Billy, is invited to take part in breaking this gang. Ching disguises himself as Billy to act as undercover in the gang . He works closely with another undercover, White Swan, a singer in the nightclub. As one of the leaders in the gang, Billy's mistress Jenny, who is deeply in love with Billy, discovers Ching and White Swan's identity. Jenny takes no drastic action but brings him to the headquarters and put him under house arrest. She sends her thugs to capture White Swan and brings her to the headquarters too. Luckily, Ching leaves some clues to Lam. Ching and White Swan steal a chance to subdue Jenny and engage in a fight with the gang. At the same time, Lam and the police arrive. After fierce fighting, the whole gang is finally shattered.
制作人 : Director, Tiu Gwong Kai.
Executive Producer, Wong To ; Scriptwriter, Tiu Gwong Kai ; Line Producer, Chow Sau-hing ; Asst./Deputy Director, Wong Sai-lap ; Cinematographer, Lee Man-kit ; Editor, Kwong Yam ; Action Director, Kwan Ching-leung ; Lighting, Wong Wah-hing ; Production Asst., Wong Ping ; Script Continuity, Chu Yat-hung ; Recording, Tam Wang-yuen ; Set, Chan King-sum ; Make-up, Lok Ming ; Props, Lam Wah-sam .
演员 : Fanny Fan (as Jenny), So Ching (as White Swan), Roy Chiao (as leader Lam).
出品公司 : Hong Kong, 1967.
其他机构 : Hong Kong [Filming] : Yung Hwa [Filming], 1967 [Release].
中文资料 : White Swan
制作机构 : Yung Hwa, filming.
台前幕后 : Tiu Gwong Kai, 1914/8/26-1980/5/30, director. scriptwriter.
Wong, To (producer) executive producer.
Chow, Sau-hing, line producer.
Wong, Sai-lap, asst./deputy director.
Lee, Man-kit, cinematographer.
Kwong, Yam, editor.
Kwan, Ching-leung, 1930- action director.
Wong, Wah-hing, lighting.
Wong, Ping, production asst.
Chu, Yat-hung, script continuity.
Tam, Wang-yuen, recording.
Chan, King-sum, set.
Lok, Ming, make-up.
Lam, Wah-sam, props.
Fan, Fanny, 1940/10/16- cast.
So, Ching, cast.
Chiao, Roy, 1927-1999/4/16, cast.