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Theking of killers

年代 : Contemporary
年份 : 1940
首映时间 : 1940-05-15
语言 : DialogueinCantonese.
片种 : Historical films (Genre)
物料 : sound, b&w
内容介绍 : The King of Killers is based on a real incident which occurred as the KMT's 16th Revolutionary Army made its way northwards during the 'northern expedition'. Kwong Shan-siu plays a revolutionary pitted against his father, a cruel warlord who rapes and pillages. Kwong kills his father for the sake of the revolutionary cause and for the Chinese people.
制作人 : Director, Wong Fook-hing.
Scriptwriter, Wong Fook-hing.
演员 : Kwong Shan-siu, Leong Suet-fei, Chow Chi-sing, Wong Cho-shan, Lau Yim-kung.
其他机构 : Xindalu Film Company [Production].
中文资料 : Theking of killers
制作机构 : Xindalu Film Company, production.
台前幕后 : Wong, Fook-hing, director. scriptwriter.
Kwong, Shan-siu, cast.
Leong, Suet-fei, cast.
Chow, Chi-sing, 1909-1956/7/1, cast.
Wong, Cho-shan, cast.
Lau, Yim-kung, cast.