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Rivals in love

年代 : Contemporary
年份 : 1939
首映时间 : 1939-06-25
语言 : DialogueinCantonese.
片种 : Melodrama (Wenyi) (Genre)
物料 : sound, b&w
内容介绍 : Tsi Lo-lan plays a young woman who falls in love with a playboy. Her mother dissuades her from straying into a deviant path. However, the daughter pays no heed to her mother's exhortations. The mother resolves to seduce the playboy herself so as to expose his infidelity. The daughter misunderstands her mother's self-sacrificing act as an act of rivalry in love. Finally, the playboy becomes a fatal victim of his own debauchery. The daughter realizes that her mother is right and repents . Mother and daughter are reunited.
制作人 : Director, So Yee.
Scriptwriter, So Yee.
演员 : Cheung Ying, Tam Lan Hing (as mother), Tsi Lo-lan, Tse Yik-chi, Pak Lei, Ng Wui, Chow Siu-ying, Lau Kwai-hong, Ng Siu-shan, Wong Mei-mei.
出品公司 : Liqun Production Company .
其他机构 : 1939 [release].
中文资料 : Rivals in love
制作机构 : Liqun Production Company, production.
台前幕后 : So, Yee, director. scriptwriter.
Cheung Ying, 1919/1/25-1984/12/14, cast.
Tam Lan Hing, 1908-1981, cast.
Tsi, Lo-lan, cast.
Tse, Yik-chi, cast.
Pak, Lei, cast.
Ng Wui, 1913/12/3-1996/3/1, cast.
Chow, Siu-ying, cast.
Lau, Kwai-hong, 1918-1955/4/24, cast.
Ng, Siu-shan, cast.
Wong, Mei-mei (actress of the 30s) cast.